Ukulele Jack vystoupí ve čtvrtek 29.3. od 19:30 v Club Museum Czech underground v Českém Krumlově.
Author: Pavel
One video from Polish ukulele festival 2018
One video from Polish Ukuele festival
What one can find on
What one can find on po zadání „ukulele“: manchester ukulele, skirt, which you can play ukulele in, or nice hand made ukuele 🙂
René Souček 27.2. v Balbínce
René Souček vystoupí v úterý 27.2. v Balbínově poetické hospůdce.
Zajímavé „atom“ ukulele
Ukulele festival - workshops, tickets
On the website of Ukulele festival there is already detailed program of concerts and workshops, and tickets are being sold.
Jan Spálený – Bojler blues
Písnička Bojler Blues od Jana Spáleného, z desky Asi v tom bude nějakej háček (1985). Tady jsou akordy pro ukulele, a tady je celá deska na jůťůbu – Bojler blues je od času 22:10:
Původní Bureš – Dezertér
Písnička Dezertér od skupiny Původní Bureš, tady jsou akordy pro ukulele v pdf, je to ve stejné tónině jako originál. Děkuju za tip Karlovi a Ondrovi a tímto je zdravím, pokud sem někdy zabloudí 🙂
Ukulele stickers
Redbubble from Australia offers also ukulele stickers of various sizes, postage to CZ is from some 2 EUR.
News using Facebook or Twitter
News from this pages are now getting automatically also to facebook Uku.Lele.Cz page and on twitter , where you can follow news easily. There is still also the possibility to subscribe to news by email (under the menu on left side).
Ukulele festival – workshopy
On Ukulele festival pages there is preliminary program of workshops We can look forward e.g. for Reggae on a ´ukulele, Blues basics, You don't have to learn all those chords
Ó jé, prošvihli jsme narozeniny Roy Smecka :-)
Roy Smeck was born in 1900, was playing ukulele, banjolele.. more about him on wikipedia. On last year Ukulele festival byl pěkný workshop „Roy Smeck technique“ s Bad Mouse Orchestra, and this year it is going to repeat !
Ukulele festival – program
On the website of Ukulele festival is already more detailed preliminary program. On Friday will be trip to Kutná Hora, on Saturday and Sunday traditionally in Unětice. There will be again amazing Bad Mouse Orchestra or Honoka and Azita !
Anne Janelle a James Hill – In The Morning
Anne Janelle new album from November I Didn’t Want to Break It here is song In The Morning from it:
René Souček a další 23.2. v Budějovicích
Koncert – René Souček, Banjaluka, The Giant Mountains Band v Divadle U Kapličky, České Budějovice, 23.2. od 19 hod.
When two do the same.. Metallica – One
When two three four do the same, it is not the same.. Song One from Metallica on ukulele, Ukes of Hazzard:
and on harp - Camille and Kennerly:
and on violoncello - Apocalyptica
World Ukulele Day
Tomorrow, Friday Feb 2nd, it will be World Ukulele Day ! Na hromnice ukulele více.
Smart ukulele – Xiaomi Populele
Xiaomi (čínský výrobce mobilních telefonů) vyrábí chytré ukulele „Populele“, které má na hmatníku 72 LED diod a přes bluetooth se baví s aplikací na telefonu.
Ukulele in every car
English driver used hour of waiting for assistance service when his car broke on highway and created song. Shouldn't be ukulele part of the compulsory car equipment ? :-)
Even being 101 years old you can play ukulele
One video, where Bill Tapia being 101 plays and teaches ukulele, song All Of Me. Dík Oldovi za odkaz.
They used to call her Mary, Peter Sellers
Peter Sellers plays song They used to call her Mary, from movie The Optimists of Nine Elms. I tried to put together chords: they_used_to_call_her_mary.pdf.
Successful play on ukulele
Successful people play on ukulele, they write in an article Víkendy v podání úspěšných a bohatých. But warning, you should not trust everything, they write also you should get up at 4:30 (and mean AM) ! :-)
Petr Ulrych – Jááá
In the documentary Tichá píseň Javorů starting at time 2:25 Petr Ulrych plays song Jááá on ukulele.