Uke chords 4 - Turnarounds

Author of this post is Jiří Cvrkal, thanks go his way !

All parts of this series: 1 - Transposition2 - Main chords3 - Secondary chords4- Turnarounds5 - Minor tonal keys6 – Mimotonální dominanty


Now we can already play turnarounds in every tonal key, by moving the tool strips. What is turnaround. That means some common sequence of chords, which repeats in many songs. I show here two most usual and then third one, on which you can verify you understand it.

Note: the minor chords are marked by "mi" or "m" suffix. Am or Ami. I would like to note once again, that for dominant chords the 7th variant is usually used. But don't make any science of that. E.g. if the dominant is shown as D by the tool, you simply change it to D7 and find the needed fingering in chords table. It is better to try all this on some songs. E.g. in the well known song Dajana the turnaround 2 is repeated again and again.

I hope that these simple rules will help some beginners with their start and learning to not be so lost in the chords.